Pothos Paradise: Grow in Water or Soil? Dive into the Secret Garden of Your Plant’s Dreams!

Growing pothos plants offers flexibility not found in many other houseplants, making them a favorite among both beginner and experienced plant enthusiasts.

I’ve found that pothos can thrive in water, a method that allows you to observe the fascinating development of roots directly. Conversely, growing them in soil is the traditional route and can provide the stability necessary for long-term growth.

Let’s take a look at both methods closely!

Key Takeaways

  • Pothos can successfully grow in both water and soil, offering different advantages.
  • Growing in soil offers better support for mature pothos plants, enhancing their long-term vigor.
  • Growing in water offers more flexibility in terms of maintenance.

Comparing Growing Methods

When choosing to grow pothos, we have two distinct environments: water and soil. Each offers unique benefits and challenges that can influence the health and growth of the plant.

Growing Pothos in Water

Growing Pothos in Water
Growing Pothos in water

I find that nurturing pothos cuttings in water offers a unique aesthetic, with the roots visibly spreading through the glass container.

This method is straightforward — all I need is a container filled with water and some liquid fertilizer to keep the nutrients balanced.

It simplifies monitoring root development and can be especially entertaining if paired with aquatic life such as fish or tortoises.

In terms of maintenance, you need to replace the water bi-weekly to maintain oxygen levels, using either distilled or dechlorinated tap water to discourage algae growth.

Don’t forget to add nutrients by using an all-purpose liquid fertilizer. This will ensure a healthy growth despite the absence of soil.

Read more about it in my guide about growing pothos in water.

Growing Pothos in Soil

Conversely, growing pothos in soil provides a more traditional approach.

Soil provides a buffer for watering, meaning I have to water less frequently than I would have to change the water in a hydroponic setup above. Additionally, soil-grown pothos tend to be more forgiving if I forget to water them from time to time.

Which Method Is Better For You?

When deciding whether to grow pothos in water or soil, consider your lifestyle and what you enjoy most about plant care.

Should You Grow Pothos in Water?

It’s a clean, soil-free approach.

If you are fascinated by watching roots develop and prefer a minimalistic care routine, opt for this method.

Also, if you are only starting with growing houseplants, this can be an ideal way to dip your toe in the water of the houseplants (pun intended!)


  • No need for soil; less mess
  • Aesthetically pleasing, unusual look
  • Simple water change every one to two weeks
  • Does not require special pots for plant; you can use a regular glass jar
  • Easy to monitor root health
  • Perfect setup for fish tank or other aquatic life


  • Requires more to provide consistent care more often; however, it’s a simpler care
  • Pothos grows slower; can be an advantage for a smaller space

Should You Grow Pothos in Soil?

It is a more traditional approach.

If you enjoy potting and repotting plants, then soil might be my medium of choice.


  • Less frequent watering required
  • Forgiving for less consistent care
  • Familiar growing medium for many plant enthusiasts
  • Pothos grows faster


  • More messy
  • Requires special planting soil
  • Requires a plant pot with drainage holes
  • Not easy to monitor root health


Growing Pothos in Water
Growing Pothos in water

In my exploration of growing pothos, I’ve discovered that both water and soil mediums have their unique advantages.

When choosing between growing pothos in water or soil, it ultimately comes down to your preferences and the level of maintenance you are ready to commit to. Both methods will support a thriving pothos.

Growing Pothos in Water:

  • Ease of Maintenance: It’s simpler to monitor the root development and hydration level.
  • Changing Water: Remember to refresh the water every one to two weeks to maintain oxygen levels.
  • Nutrient Addition: Use a liquid fertilizer to ensure the plant receives necessary nutrients.

Growing Pothos in Soil:

Whether choosing to grow pothos in water or in soil, what’s clear is that it requires different types of attention.

I appreciate the visual appeal of roots in water and the lower maintenance it affords, but I am also drawn to the natural feel and potentially faster growth that comes with soil.

Ultimately, the choice is personal to your lifestyle and gardening preferences.


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