Unleash Your Inner Plant Whisperer: How to Magically Multiply Your Pothos (Even As a Beginner!)

Pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy, is a popular houseplant well-loved for its hardiness and ease of care. Apart from that, pothos also has a simple yet fascinating mode of reproduction.

In their natural habitat, pothos plants can be grown by seeds produced by flowers, but these flowers almost never appear on indoor plants. Instead, you can reproduce your plant by cuttings, dividing a big mature plant into two or more parts, or by air-layering.

Let’s look at these techniques more closely.

Key Takeaways

  • Pothos reproduce asexually through cuttings, plant division, or air-layering.
  • Cuttings from pothos can root in water, soil, wet paper towel, or sphagnum moss.
  • New pothos plants require proper care to thrive after propagation.

How To Reproduce Pothos

Propagation From Cuttings

pothos propagation - new pothos roots emerging

One of the joys of growing pothos is that I can easily create new plants from the one I already have.

To do that, I take a cutting from a mature plant and provide the appropriate conditions for it to develop roots. Pothos cuttings can be propagated in water, soil, or sphagnum moss.

Importantly, a single leaf will not suffice; each cutting must have at least one node to successfully produce roots.

As the cuttings root and grow, they develop into full-fledged plants that can be as vigorous and lush as the parent, given proper care.

To propagate from cuttings, I use clean pruning shears to slice just below a leaf node, ensuring each cutting includes one or more nodes and leaves.

For water propagation, I place the cuttings in a container of water, making sure the nodes are submerged. When roots develop, I transfer the cuttings to soil to continue growth.

You can read more in my guide about pothos propagation.

This method is ideal and can be done even in winter. It’s also a perfect way to keep your pothos thriving after regular pruning.

Plant Division

If you have a large pothos plant, you can propagate it by diving it into two or more parts. This should be done ideally in spring.

For that, you need to gently separate the roots at the root node of the plant to create new ones. For successful division, make sure each new plant has adequate amount of leaves and root system for optimal growth.

Air Layering

Although I often stick to cuttings, air layering is another excellent method, especially for larger plants.

It is similar to cuttings, but with the cut taken only after roots develop on the plant. It’s especially beneficial when dealing with rare hybrids that you’re eager to propagate without failing.

Spring is also the perfect time for air layering, ensuring the highest success rate.

  • Materials Needed: Moss, plastic wrap, twist ties.
  • Steps:
    1. Choose a healthy stem with an aerial root.
    2. Wrap moist sphagnum moss around the area.
    3. Secure with plastic.
    4. Wait for a couple of weeks for roots to form.
    5. Cut below the wrapped area.
    6. Remove the plastic and the moss and plant it!

Caring for New Pothos Plants

a new leaf is growing after planting pothos cuttings

Once I’ve planted my propagated pothos cuttings, the critical phase of nurturing begins.

I ensure the young plants aren’t overwhelmed by excessive moisture so I only water them when my soil moisture meter shows that the soil is very dry. Developing a routine for consistent watering is vital—it keeps the soil moist but not waterlogged, balancing the needs of these tender plants.

my soil moisture meter
My soil moisture meter with one of my pothos plants.

As my new pothos plants start to grow, they crave ample indirect sunlight. This doesn’t mean direct beams that can scorch their leaves but a bright, diffused light that encourages healthy development. To facilitate this, you can place them near a window with sheer curtains, ensuring they get the ideal conditions without any harsh exposure.

Transplanting is a later step for when the pothos has outgrown its current home. I choose a new pot that’s 1 inch wider than the previous one, ensuring it has proper drainage to prevent any future waterlogging, which could spell disaster for the roots.

With regards to care, fertilization is a gentle reminder to not overdo it. A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer applied every few months sustains them without overwhelming their sensitive system. I use a gentle touch, considering the delicate nature of their recently formed roots.

By giving them the attention and conditions they favor, including proper planting after propagation and following up with thorough pothos plant care, I help my new pothos plants thrive. It’s a joy to watch them mature into robust, verdant vines, all from a small cutting I nurtured along the way.


Pothos reproduction primarily occurs through stem cuttings, which can develop into full-grown plants when properly cared for. You can also use plant division or air-layering.

Remember, pothos is a forgiving plant; it’s an excellent starting point for beginners and a gratifying endeavor for seasoned plant lovers.

My personal experience with pothos propagation has been always full of anticipation and joy in each new root and leaf. And now, I’m hopeful that you’ll find the same joy in your propagation journey.


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