othos plant, the perfect green companion for those of us who are more likely to remember the name of every Game of Thrones character than when we last watered our plants.
Fear not, dear plant lovers! This blog post will teach you how to keep your pothos happy and thriving, no matter how many Netflix marathons you go on.
Let’s dive into the world of pothos and its watering quirks, including how often to water pothos!
Key Takeaways
Check soil moisture every 7-14 days to find the perfect watering schedule for your pothos plant.
Give it some TLC when you see wilting leaves, dry soil or yellowing leaves – and don’t forget a bit of humor!
Keep an eye on humidity levels and avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.
Determining the Ideal Watering Frequency for Pothos
Pothos plants are the Goldilocks of the plant world when it comes to water – not too much, not too little, just right. The perfect watering schedule depends on factors like light, seasons, and pot size.
No need to stress! I’m here to guide you. Just remember, pothos plants are easier to figure out than why the chicken crossed the road.
How Often Should I Give My Pothos Plant a Drink?
On average, pothos plants should be sippin’ on H2O every 7 to 14 days.
However, I suggest not sticking to a rigid watering schedule. The best way to judge the watering needs of your pothos plant is by getting your hands dirty – literally! Feel the soil’s moisture level with your finger or use a special tool that measures soil moisture – more on this later!
Now, let’s explore the factors that influence watering frequency.
Light Exposure
Are you aware that a pothos plant’s water need is influenced by light exposure? More light exposure means more frequent watering outings. Pothos plants prefer indirect sunlight (they’re not sunbathing enthusiasts), but if they’re in sunnier spots, they may need more water.
In darker spots, you can be more relaxed with your watering schedule. Since pothos does not like overwatering, I suggest being very careful if your plant is located in an especially dark spot.
Therefore, observe your pothos’ light exposure and modify your watering routine to match.
You can also set up grow lights for pothos if you want your plant to prosper or you tend to overwater like I do. I use the soil moisture meter every time I water my pothos plants. However, I still somehow managed to overwater the young plants I am growing from the cuttings and they showed their unhappiness with damaged new leaves.
Seasonal Adjustments
The watering schedule for your pothos plant should have the flexibility of a yoga routine. The season plays a significant role in determining how much water your pothos needs.
During late spring, summer, and early fall, your plant craves more water due to increased light exposure. Therefore, I’d suggest considering a 7-day interval as a starting point for watering your pothos plant.
But, during the fall, winter, and early spring, it’s necessary to show some restraint. Water your pothos less during these cooler dark months to avoid creating a swampy mess in your pot. For this reason, it’s best to err on the side of caution and aim for a watering interval closer to 14 days.
Pot Size and Soil Type
The pot size and type of soil also significantly influence the water requirements of your pothos plant. Bigger pots can store more water, so they can go longer between waterings compared to their smaller or shallow counterparts, which are also easy to overwater.
Don’t forget to check the soil moisture level and adjust the watering frequency accordingly.
How to Properly Water Your Pothos Plant
You might be thinking, “I got this! I know how to water a plant.” But hold your watering cans, folks! Properly watering a pothos plant involves more than just splashing some water on it. It’s important to adopt the correct method and keep track of the soil’s moisture content.
Let’s delve into the most effective methods for maintaining your water pothos plants’ hydration and health.
Monitor Soil Moisture
First of all, you need to understand how to monitor soil moisture. It is crucial to avoid overwatering or underwatering your pothos plant. You can use a soil moisture meter or manual methods.
Do it every 7-14 days based on the water frequency I outlined above. Then, based on the results, water your pothos.
Manual Methods
Manual methods include feeling the soil with your fingers to gauge its dryness or using a chopstick, pencil, or any pointed stick to check the moisture level.
For the finger method, simply insert your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water your pothos.
For the chopstick method, insert it deep into the soil and pull it out. If the chopstick comes out clean, it means the soil is dry and needs watering. If it comes out with bits of damp soil, then the plant doesn’t need watering just yet.
Using Soil Moisture Meter
I prefer to use a soil moisture meter. A soil moisture meter is a tool that measures the water content in the soil to prevent overwatering or underwatering of plants.
It comes with a handy table explaining how to interpret what the meter is showing.
As seen from the soil moisture meter table, pothos falls into the category of Green Zone Plants 6-7.
I wrote a whole post about how to use it so if you need help with your meter, go and check it out.
In this photo, the reading on the meter is between 6 and 7, indicating that my pothos plant doesn’t require watering at this time:
But once the meter begins to display a number that is lower than the 6-7 range, it’s a clear signal to water your plant!
I’ve watered my pothos, and now, the meter displays the maximum value:
The Right Way to Water
When watering your pothos plant, consistency is crucial, but the type of water you use is just as important.
What kind of water to use for your pothos plant:
- Use settled tap water that’s been left out for at least 24 hours to allow chlorine and other chemicals to dissipate, which can be harmful to the roots of pothos plants.
- Avoid using distilled water as it lacks the minerals that pothos plants need to thrive and can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
- You can still use filtered water though.
- Room-temperature water is best to avoid shocking the plant’s roots with extreme temperatures. Settled water does have a temperature that’s just right for your pothos.
Here’s how to water your pothos:
- Gradually pour water over the top of the soil until it begins to run out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, indicating that the soil is thoroughly moistened.
- After watering, wait until you see water in the saucer beneath the pot, then stop. This helps ensure you’ve given enough water without overdoing it.
Signs Your Pothos Needs Water
Despite their low-maintenance nature, pothos plants will provide subtle signals when they’re in need of water.
Pay attention to wilting leaves, dry soil, and yellowing leaves, which can be signs that your plant is feeling parched. But don’t jump to conclusions just yet! It’s necessary to further examine and probe the soil to figure out the actual needs of your plant.
Let’s examine these signs in greater detail.
Wilting Leaves
Wilting leaves on your pothos plant might make you feel like a neglectful plant parent, but it’s actually a sign that your plant needs more water. Don’t despair! Just give your plant some H2O, and it should bounce back to its perky self in no time.
Dry Soil
If you notice the soil in your pothos pot is drier than a stand-up comedian’s humor, it’s a sign that your plant needs more frequent watering.
When the soil is dry, drench your plant with a generous amount of room-temperature water. After the plant has had its fill, let the excess water drain out completely before giving it another drink.
Yellowing Leaves
When the leaves on your pothos plant start to resemble a not-so-appealing shade of yellow, it’s time to play detective.
Yellowing leaves can be a sign of underwatering, but they could also indicate other issues. To get to the root of the problem (pun intended), examine the watering schedule, light situation, and soil moisture with our favorite meter.
Once you’ve determined the cause, take appropriate action to restore your pothos plant to its vibrant, green glory.
Preventing Overwatering and Root Rot
I know you love your pothos plant, but too much love can lead to overwatering and, ultimately, root rot. Identifying signs of overwatering and implementing measures to prevent roots from rotting are vital to ensure the well-being of your pothos plant.
Let’s understand how to avoid overwatering and protect your pothos plant.
Signs of Overwatering
If you notice black and dried spots on the leaves and stems of your pothos plant, it might be a sign that you’ve been a bit too generous with the watering can.
Before you start panicking, it’s essential to check the soil to determine the root cause. Black leaves and stems can also signify a variety of other issues such as a fungal disease, pest infestation, or exposure to temperature extremes, so it’s crucial to thoroughly investigate and address the problem based on your findings.
Avoiding Root Rot
To prevent roots from rotting, follow these steps:
Use well-draining soil, ideally the one designed specifically for pothos
Provide proper drainage for your plant.
Allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
Use a soil moisture meter or manual methods to check the soil moisture before watering.
By taking these precautions, you’ll keep your pothos healthy and prevent root rot from ruining your green-thumb reputation.
Pothos plants flourish in environments with high humidity levels, ideally around 50% to 60%. However, the average home may lack this level of humidity, which can impact the growth of your pothos. What’s comfortable for us might not be comfortable for your plant.
The transpirational pull is a part of efficient watering, and proper humidity ensures that your plant can absorb water efficiently.
To maintain the right humidity for your pothos plant:
Use a humidifier to increase moisture in the air.
Instead of misting, wash the leaves regularly.
Place the pot on a tray of wet pebbles to increase humidity around the plant.
Alternatively, place your pothos alongside other plants to establish a miniature ecosystem.
Read more about that in my post about whether pothos like humidity (and why misting is not good).
Well done, plant lover! You’re now ready to take care of your pothos. Adjust your watering based on light, season, and pot size. Watch for signs your pothos needs water and use the soak-and-drain method. Check soil moisture, keep humidity right, and avoid root rot. Share your new pothos knowledge with others!